What is Drayage? Drayage Shipping Containers: Bridging the Past and Future of Global Trade

In the fast-paced world of global trade, the movement of goods is a well-oiled machine that keeps the wheels of commerce turning. At the heart of this intricate system lies an unsung hero: drayage shipping containers. These unassuming metal boxes have played a pivotal role in shaping the history of shipping and continue to do so in the present day. In this article, we delve into the fascinating history of drayage shipping containers and explore their indispensable role in the world of logistics. The Origins of Drayage The concept of drayage has its roots in the transportation of goods by horse-drawn wagons and carts. The term "dray" originally referred to a low, strong wagon or cart used for transporting heavy loads short distances. In the 19th century, drayage services were crucial in connecting ports to nearby warehouses, factories, and railways. It was a labor-intensive process that required the strength of draft animals and the determination of workers. The Birth of the...